I have straight teeth, a crooked nose, a ’71 Scout Comanche, and like all great writers, I chose writing because I didn’t want to work on the family farm anymore. I could risk not charming you with my version of about me humor or just copy-paste my peer reviews - verbatim.

  • “Daniel has an innate desire to plus the work and often digs up more ideas than are expected.”

    “Invested. He consistently demonstrates his care for smart creative, takes initiative, and has the clients’ needs at heart.”

    “Daniel’s a hard worker and fantastic writer that can be counted on to bring strong work. He’s invest in the task and is willing to fight for creative.”

    “Daniel’s drive and passion are an inspiration to those around him. He wants his accounts and the agency to prosper and is an active participant in their goals. Even on difficult or quick turn projects, he doesn’t lose energy and the people he works with value it.”

    “Daniel’s superpowers are: drive, creativity, and sense of fun. He respectfully pushes all of us for excellence and is committed to our client’s creative vision and consistency.”

  • “Daniel’s a writer at heart, but his brain takes it to the next level. He treats the accounts he works on like they’re his own businesses with solid insights that are flexible, fast, clever and standout in the category.”

    “I think Daniel is one of the most unique wordsmiths that has come through the agency. I believe he has a gift (whether naturally or earned) for weaving stories with clear intent and narrative.”

    “His writing. Long-form or short. TV or radio, any tone, any voice.”

    “Daniel takes his work seriously and puts a lot into his craft. He’s warm and friendly with the team and truly cares about making good work that is helpful to the brands we work on.”

    “He’s a writer's writer, and his copy never fails to impress me. From headlines to manifestos to scripts and brand guidelines, Daniel excels in any written form.”

  • “He cares and dives deeply into strategy and how he creates work that is effective and interesting. He asks more questions than any other creative I work with, detective-like.”

    “Daniel’s always looking for the “zig while others zag” moments and manages to do it with ideas and tactics that seem like they’re plucked from the minds of the audience itself – it’s eerie lol.”

    “Daniel is a dream to work with. He is a brother in arms with strategy and is always available to support other departments to develop cohesive thoughts and solutions.”

    “Daniel has great taste and his point of view always elevates the work, not just in sophistication and style, but also in strategy, concept and execution. As a creative, he’s a higher-level thinker that doesn't just think about the work as an execution, but also in context of the category, the brand, the culture, and the audience.”

  • “Daniel is a leader by example. Whether it’s presenting work, creating creative, or collaborating with other teams, he brings a positive energy and attitude to every project he gets.”

    “Daniel knows how to drive a project, cares deeply about craft and wants the work to be better. He takes the reins and leads.”

    “Daniel’s a leader on everything he touches. He steps up to every assignment big and small, is an excellent writer, overall creative and is always clear, direct, and collaborative.”

    “He’s a smart creative and a great team player. He works quickly and is always willing to jump in and help out when needed.”

    “He’s incredibly collaborative, which is something I really value in the creative department, always being open to ideas and contributions from others. He’s also driven and adaptable, which makes him a great teammate when looking for creative solutions.”

  • “He makes people laugh and smile. I’ll take that any day.”

    “Daniel’s calm under pressure when it comes to client feedback and adjusting creative as necessary to reflect compromise between client and the agency.”

    “I can always count on him for examples, looks, feels, vibes, category trends and such. I feel like he’s never forgotten a single piece of content he has ever seen.”

    “Daniel is a true “student of the industry.” He often shares great work and competitive with the agency and has a hunger to elevate his accounts and his own craft.”